CHFT: NON-INFECTIOUS SORE THROATS IN ADULTS PATHWAY ←Click to view pathway image Source of image goes here Select Persistent sore throat for more than 4 weeks with no recent history of upper respiratory infection Intermittent sore throat ↓ History and Examination ↓ Does the patent have any of the following? Localised soreness of throat lasting more than 4 weeks which is constant (i.e. doesn't go away in-between), especially when associated with otalgia but normal otoscopy AND / OR Clinical suspicion of malignancy Does the patent have any of the following?YesNo ↓ ↓ ⤷ FAST TRACK REFERRAL TO ENT Symptomatic treatment for 6 to 8 weeks: Regular sips of water Avoid throat clearing Reduce caffeine and alcohol Anti-reflux advice Consider Gaviscon advance after meals and at bedtime Consider Lansoprazole if symptoms of reflux Symptoms resolved?NoYes ↓ REFER TO ENT CLINIC NO FURTHER INTERVENTION