COVID-19 clinical presentation
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<p style="text-size:12px;">COVID-19 can present with a myriad of symptoms so should probably be on most differential diagnosis lists during the pandemic</p>
<li><a href="https://productivemedic.com/covid-remote-assessment/" target="_blank">COVID assessment, DDx and complications</a></li>
<li><a href="https://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=https%3A%2F%2Ff6publishing.blob.core.windows.net%2F2ab0884c-0618-4586-aaf1-41004e6ad656%2FWJCC-8-3956-g002.png&imgrefurl=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.wjgnet.com%2F2307-8960%2Ffull%2Fv8%2Fi18%2F3956.htm&tbnid=I0G0VvXcx_akPM&vet=12ahUKEwj1_43FsrnuAhUH-YUKHSoZAFQQMygYegUIARCwAQ..i&docid=IBDQMbzRItpvKM&w=3307&h=2168&q=covid%2019%20presentation&safe=strict&ved=2ahUKEwj1_43FsrnuAhUH-YUKHSoZAFQQMygYegUIARCwAQ" target="_blank">Clinical presentation summary infographic</a></li>
*Common causes
*Must not miss!
*Easily missed
Red flags
- Severe thunderclap headache
- Neurological symptoms
- (confusion, persistent focal neurological signs)
- Severe progressive headache
- New onset headache > 50 years of age
- Recent change in normal headaches
- Associated symptoms
- Petechial rash/neck stiffness
- Awoken by headaches
- Early morning headaches
- Worsened by valsalva manoeuvres
- Jaw claudication
- Temporal scalp tenderness
- Systemic symptoms (fever, weight loss)
- HIV infection
- History of cancer
Investigations to consider
- U&Es
- Blood & viral cultures
- X-ray (C spine, Skull)
- Lumbar puncture
- Temporal artery biopsy
- Intraocular pressure measurements