Diabetic control

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T2DM: glycaemic management

[accordion_item title=”Agree and set a target HbA1c value with the patient“]

Agree and set a target HbA1c value with the patient

Lifestyle or single drug that is not associated with hypoglycaemia

48 mmol/mol (6.5%)

Or *agreed target

A drug that is associated with hypoglycaemia or 2 or more drugs

53 mmol/mol (7.0%)

Or *agreed target

*Patient and disease factors to determine optimal HbA1c targets

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[accordion_item title=”Offer lifestyle advice at each visit and monitor HbA1c“]

Offer lifestyle advice at each visit and monitor HbA1c

[accordion_item title=”If the person is symptomatically hyperglycaemic, consider insulin or a SU. Review treatment when blood glucose control has been achieved.“]

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[accordion_item title=”New diagnosis of Type 2 Diabetes“]

Give dietary advice on healthy eating and lifestyle changes and agree a HbA1c target (see above for details).

1. Consider 3 months of lifestyle changes and repeat HbA1c before starting medication.

2. Alternatively start oral medication especially if FPG > 15mmol/l or HbA1c > 69mmol/mol (8.5%).

If starting medication first line treatment should be [ez_popup type=”content” text=”METFORMIN” thumb_url=”Thumbnail image URL here…” width=”450″ height=”600″][do_widget id=text-37][/ez_popup] alternatively if BMI < 25, a rapid therapeutic response is required, or metformin is contra-indicated prescribe [ez_popup type=”content” text=”GLICLAZIDE” thumb_url=”Thumbnail image URL here…” width=”450″ height=”600″][do_widget id=text-38][/ez_popup]

Repeat HbA1c in 3 months.

[accordion_item title=”Management in adults who can take Metformin” open=”true”]

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[accordion_item title=”Management when Metformin is contraindicated or not tolerated“]

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[accordion_item title=”Management using Insulin based treatment“]

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