Treatment and care should take into account people’s needs and preferences. People with hypertension should have the opportunity to make informed decisions about their care and treatment, in partnership with their healthcare professionals.
Shared decision making with patients and lifestyle advice should be considered at every stage of the treatment protocol. Encourage as many patients as possible to use self BP monitoring at home.
Signpost to website for further advice on where to purchase Home BP monitors and how to use guides.
Medication adherence should be considered at every stage of the treatment protocol.
There is lots of helpful information including a ‘looking after your heart’ resource booklet to help support conversations with patients. You can find these on the website:
Patients should be encouraged to use community pharmacy services, such as:
Patients and clinicians are encouraged to utilise Me and My Medicines resource; a campaign led by patients and supported by clinical staff to help people raise concerns and use their medicines better.